Use libmmbd to transcode blurays with handbrake on-the-fly

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Use libmmbd to transcode blurays with handbrake on-the-fly

Post by ekpigreu »

Hi, I just registered to share this piece of information, because albeit being quite obvious after the announcement of libmmbd this somehow escaped my attention and my various searches in the Internet on the topic. per the original announcement (
any application that uses libbluray/libaacs for decryption will be able to open a protected blu-ray disc, as long as MakeMKV is installed
as it turns out: Handbrake can utilise this feature.

Here is what I did/used (probably not *all* steps are necesseray prerequisites)
  • * all this was done on a Ubuntu 'precise' installation
  • * install handbrake
  • * install libbluray & friends (I temporarily added the 'trusty' repos for this step, just to make sure that I have the latest versions):

    Code: Select all

    apt-get install libbluray1 libbluray-bin libbluray-bdj
  • * I removed libaacs the quick and dirty way with dpkg -r --force-all libaacs
  • * I also made the following symlinks as I got an error about a missing "libbluray.jar when running programs (I dont know wether this is necessary):

    Code: Select all

    ln -s /usr/share/java/libbluray.jar /usr/lib/libbluray/libbluray.jar
Fertig ist die Laube - all done :) I am just converting on the fly the 'Lost' Season 1 Finale BD with handbrake.

Disclaimer: I did all this on a system that I use for all sorts of tests, so I dont care if I break something by mixing different version repos, using dpkg force removals etc, so if you are on a production system you might want to be careful with this stuff...

[edit]Offtopic@devs: I am still looking forward to an arm version of makemkv, either for my sheeva plug or my raspberry :P [/edit]
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