Combined FLAC + ZLIB profile

Discussion of advanced MakeMKV functionality, expert mode, conversion profiles
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Combined FLAC + ZLIB profile

Post by timwtheov »

I basically want to combine aspects of the FLAC profile with the Zlib compression of the WDTV profile (all movies I have were originally MKVed with the WDTV profile for my WDTV Live, but since my new Mede8er doesn't like LPCM tagged audio--don't know why, but it doesn't--I need to convert a lot of my old, plus any new, discs with the latter but still keep them able to run on the WDTV Live, which I also still use) , but since I know nothing about XML formatting, I thought I'd ask on here if anyone has created such a thing that they might want to share. I tried one myself but couldn't get it to load. And though I like the idea behind the "Perfect" profile someone put on here, it goes way too slow for me (I want the speed the "stock" profiles have). Any help out there?

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