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Bad Santa 2 - fpl_mainfeature_r vs fpl_mainfeature_ur?

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 2:49 am
by ikomrad
Makemkv found 2 track on the blue-ray that appear to be the main title.

fpl_mainfeature_r - 26GB
fpl_mainfeature_ur - 29.1GB

I didn't know the difference between the 2 so went with the larger file size. That seems to be the safe bet.

However, this picques my interest. What is the difference between the two?

* I think FPL stands for "featured play list" .
* R might mean 'rated'
* UR might mean 'unrated'

Re: Bad Santa 2 - fpl_mainfeature_r vs fpl_mainfeature_ur?

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2018 12:32 am
by preserve
ikomrad wrote:I didn't know the difference between the 2 so went with the larger file size. That seems to be the safe bet.
It wouldn't always be a safe bet :) Some movies (maybe a Harry Potter movie that did this?) have a playlist for a playback mode where, at certain points in the movie, the movie is interspersed with behind-the-scenes material. In those cases, the larger file size would not result in the main movie :)

In this case, I think you're on the right track. This movie was originally rated R, so _r could be R and _ur could be unrated.

I don't own this movie, but from, the back of the Blu-ray case says that Theatrical is 92 minutes and Unrated is 95 minutes. Checking the length of the playlists is a good method.

Different versions of movies can sometimes have a LOT of differences, not just added scenes, but alternate scenes, alternate takes, different endings, etc. I generally like to rip both. is a decent site (if sometimes awkward to read due to translation of non-English authors) where they go into detail about what exactly all the differences are in the various versions of movies, if you have a movie with multiple cuts and you want to decide which one to watch.

Re: Bad Santa 2 - fpl_mainfeature_r vs fpl_mainfeature_ur?

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2018 6:20 am
by ikomrad
Thanks for the great tip. I'll keep that in mind for my next rip :)