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Multiple Instances

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2019 9:45 pm
by Unibrowser
Hello! First I want to say I love Makemkv. I dont know of another program that is so well built and free as well. I will be purchasing a key soon, I wana support this.
So I have been running 2 instances of MakeMKV at the same time. I can throw in the 4k and bluray at the same time and RIP both. My question is, does anyone know how many instances I can run at one time? Is there a limitation somewhere? If there is a limitation, is it dependent on my hardware? I've got 12GB of RAM so I figured I could run maybe 4 or 5 at the same time. If so, I will be adding more BRXL optical drives. Thanks for your help!

Re: Multiple Instances

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2019 9:57 pm
by d00zah
Assuming 'Ask for single drive mode' is checked on the 'IO' preferences tab, I expect the only limit is the number of available ODDs. Since MakeMKV doesn't re-encode, it's fairly light on system resources. Separate 'scratch' (target) HDDs would alleviate potential I/O bottlenecks, if you REALLY need to optimize perfomance.

Re: Multiple Instances

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2019 12:48 am
by Woodstock
Practical limitation depends on how big a read buffer you give MakeMKV. If you set it for 512MB, each instance will allocation up to that much RAM for a buffer for disk reads/writes.

Should you exceed PHYSICAL memory, things will slow down as the system starts swapping.

If you're using USB-attached drives, the limitations of multiple devices on the USB bus will kick in fairly early, too. Two USB optical drives will saturate a USB2 controller and limit the ripping speed. If you can separate them to separate USB controllers (my USB3 is a different chip than the USB2 bus), that will help.

Re: Multiple Instances

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 5:21 pm
by Jander04
Seeing this post inspired me to see what the breaking point of MakeMKV was with the hardware available. Having a combination of 4 DVD/BR/BR-UHD drives, I tried to see if MKV would rip 4 disks at a time. It worked perfectly. I had four instances of MKV running each ripping from a different drive.