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LG BH16NS55 rev 1.03

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2019 9:47 pm
by ekpen

I sent back an LG BH16NS55 rev 103, because it will not detect a uhd and standard disc.
A replacement came in today.
I still get disc not found with uhds -Aquaman, and Robin Hood discs.
But it will find a standard blu ray disc.
I also swapped usb 3.0 cables, swapped usb ports, with no luck.
Any idea ?
Note: I have the LG NS..40 and Asus, with no issues

Re: LG BH16NS55 rev 1.03

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2019 10:27 pm
by st4evr
You need to do some more reading: ... 19&t=19113 ... 16&t=18873

The YouTube how to video listed in one of the posts in the second link could provide useful. Also, ensure that the replacement drive was manufactured 2016 or later.

Re: LG BH16NS55 rev 1.03

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 2:01 pm
by asmcom
If you are finding problems upgrading and finding it hard to do yourself. I can help talk you through each step. My contact email is
