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Pioneer BDR-XD05TB an Asus clone?

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2019 2:20 am
by TrueBlueBunny
Hi guys

My first post seems to be a bit silly but thanks to you guys I could update my LG BH16NS55 with Firmware 1.04 and I could read 4k Discs. :D

Now I have another drive, an external Pioneer BDR-XD05TB. The firmware version made me wondering if it is an Asus drive. It has the firmware 3.10 and I used the same version to cross flash my LG and then put on the 1.03mk firmware.

Am I right or wrong? Don't want to turn it into a brick :roll:

The Blue Bunny

Re: Pioneer BDR-XD05TB an Asus clone?

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2019 9:17 am
by mike admin
TrueBlueBunny wrote:
Fri Jul 26, 2019 2:20 am
Now I have another drive, an external Pioneer BDR-XD05TB. The firmware version made me wondering if it is an Asus drive. It has the firmware 3.10 and I used the same version to cross flash my LG and then put on the 1.03mk firmware.
Do you get anything in "LibreDrive information" on main page for this drive? As of today, with latest SDF.bin file?