Just Bought the Asus BC-12D1HT

Forum for discussions about UHD-capable dives
Posts: 15
Joined: Fri Jun 05, 2020 8:16 am

Re: Just Bought the Asus BC-12D1HT

Post by martinbrady »

I don't get it, you had the 3.01 from the start:
:arrow: LibreDrive Information
Status: Possible (with patched firmware)
Drive platform: MT1959
Harware support: Yes
Firmware support: No
Firmware type: Original (patched version available)
Firmware version: 3.01
DVD all regions: Possible (with patched firmware)
BD raw data read: Possible (with patched firmware)
BD raw metadata read: Possible (with patched firmware)
Unrestricted read speed: Possible (with patched firmware)

just like mine (bought in France)
now you have this:
:arrow: LibreDrive Information
Status: Enabled
Drive platform: MT1959
Firmware type: Patched (microcode access re-enabled)
Firmware version: 3.01
DVD all regions: Yes
BD raw data read: Yes
BD raw metadata read: Yes
Unrestricted read speed: Possible, not yet enabled

which is good and is what I'ld like to get! but it's the same fw N°,
between the two you flashed said you the 3.01-MK, so I suppose ( :idea: ) that the original Asus fw version 3.01 has nothing to do with the MK fw version 3.01 :?: and that's why you put it as "I am going to flash the 3.01-MK now." cause why precise "MK"?
Am I right here?
cause I've got the exactly same drive and LD information as yours at the start up here (no need to put mine here as it's the same)!
(if I must assume a model n° bought in France is exactly the same as the one bought in the USA (where I suppose you bought it...)
thanks for your answer
please don't mention the quality of my english unless I'm obscure :wink:
Posts: 15
Joined: Fri Jun 05, 2020 8:16 am

Re: Just Bought the Asus BC-12D1HT

Post by martinbrady »

if somebody was about to answer preceding post, no use! I solved it alone, just imitating the OP :)
please don't mention the quality of my english unless I'm obscure :wink:
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