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Looking for a WH16NS60 in Europe

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 4:31 pm
by MastaG
Hi there,

I'm looking to get a WH16NS60 because I'm also going to be using it for backing up a lot of things.
Actually I will not do a lot of reading at all.
From my research, this drive seems to perform best at writing BDXL m-disc drives (up to 100GB) using imgburn.
That's why I'm looking for a genuine WH16NS60, not an older one cross-flashed, because the older ones are either slower at writing or they don't support m-discs.

The strange thing is that I can only find this drive only on Amazon prime for 250 euros which is a bit expensive compared to the 110 USD prices on sites such as Newegg.

Anyone who knows where to get it in Europe (I'm located in the Netherlands) for a reasonable price?
It doesn't have to be pre-flashed, I can do this myself, as long as it's a genuine WH16NS60.

Thanks !

Re: Looking for a WH16NS60 in Europe

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 4:50 pm
by Coopervid
Just buy a BH16NS55 and cross-flash it to BH16NS60.

WH16NS55 is the retail version with software of the BH16NS60 (bulk w/o software). That is still 120 Euros while the NS55 is < 70 Euros. The cross-flashed drive will behave the same way as an original NS60. It can also handle M-Discs. But I would not rely on these and they are super-expensive. Store your data on hard disks. Make several copies on at least 2 hard drives.

Re: Looking for a WH16NS60 in Europe

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 5:06 pm
by MastaG
Thanks for the fast reply Coopervid.
Yes, I'm backing up to my NAS which has a fault tolerance of two disks.
However I'd like to store some backups on m-discs as well. I know they're expensive, but I only need to backup a limited amount of data.
And they seem to last way longer than HDD's.

Thanks, as I don't need the software anyways (will only use MakeMKV for limited ripping), I'll just get a WH16NS55 instead.

Didn't you mean the BH16NS55 ?

Re: Looking for a WH16NS60 in Europe

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 6:22 pm
by Coopervid
I meant getting a BH16NS55 to flash to BH16NS60.