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Correct MKV segment map for SPY

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 9:00 pm
by NHGyro
The Netflix version of "Spy" (2015) reveals two potential candidates for the correct version of the movie. At first glance, it looks like the one in numerical sequence is correct but to be safe, I've copied both. Does anyone know any techniques to determine which is the correct one without running both copies simultaneously with the actual Blu Ray? The file information is contained below.

Title information
Name: Spy (English)
Source file name: 00800.mpls
Duration: 2:00:06
Chapters count: 32
Size: 23.6 GB
Segment count: 44
Segment map: 2449,2450,2451,2452,2453,2454,2455,2456,2457,2458,2459,2460,2461,2462,2463,2464,2465,2466,2467,2468,2469,2470,2471,2472,2473,2474,2475,2476,2477,2478,2479,2480,2481,2482,2483,2484,2485,2486,2487,2488,2489,2490,2491,2492
File name: Spy_t01.mkv

Title information
Name: Spy (English)
Source file name: 00801.mpls
Duration: 2:10:22
Chapters count: 32
Size: 25.6 GB
Segment count: 44
Segment map: 2449,2493,2451,2494,2453,2495,2455,2496,2457,2497,2459,2498,2461,2499,2463,2500,2465,2501,2467,2502,2469,2503,2471,2504,2473,2505,2475,2506,2477,2507,2479,2508,2481,2509,2483,2510,2485,2511,2487,2512,2489,2513,2491,2514
File name: Spy_t05.mkv

Re: Correct MKV segment map for SPY

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2019 2:01 pm
by swampdaddy
Actually, are they not both valid? I think there is a theatrical release and the Extended version... Yes?

Also, did you notice that the BD menu did not show ANY extras but they were on the disc, did I miss something? Have you seen it before like this?