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Re: Inspector Lewis Season 8 - Blu-ray

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 9:37 pm
by TwoMetreBill
331 played fine. My guess is that the segment info matches the file so that it can be extracted correctly.

Re: Inspector Lewis Season 8 - Blu-ray

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 6:35 am
by cogitare
Alea can you go into more detail re the command line stuff, not sure where to use it or how? Of note the BD of Lewis I have has no obfuscation on disc 1

Re: Inspector Lewis Season 8 - Blu-ray

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2019 3:17 am
by rweaver7777
Hello, I'm new here, and I know this is an old thread.

I just purchased Series 8 (actually Season 9 on Inspector Lewis and ran into this obfuscation issue.

For some reason I lucked out on the first disc and MakeMKV only showed the 4 10gb tracks that were correct. On the 2nd disk however there were several hundred. Many thanks to alea54 who posted the correct tracks for the 2nd disk.

Is there any further progress on how to determine the right tracks to select that I can do on Windows? Some of the hacks posted are for linux.

I found a reference in another thread to CloneBD indicating the proper track(s) but I must have done something wrong.


Duh, I just noticed the previous poster who said there was no obfuscation on their disk 1 either.

In the light of morning, since this is a two-year-old issue, has this playlist obfuscation gained traction? If it is only used in rare instances these days, I should probably not worry about it, huh?